Monday, August 31, 2015


In 2008 I decided I would start a blog (according to the start date of this blog).  Apparently that didn't go so well as I have, at some point, deleted all prior posts except for the "I am not a jogger" post.  I've been encouraged to give it another try.  I'll assume that as I continue (if, a big IF) this will get easier, right?

I have been active my entire life.  As long as I can remember I can hear my dad saying, "you better watch it or you're going to get the Mischke rear end".  My cousin and I joke about this...and we run so we don't become the butt of the joke (pun intended).  I've always been above average in height (I'm 5'10" and haven't grown since I was 14) so it was assumed I'd play sports.  Luckily, I was coordinated and athletic enough to be a three sport athlete in high school.  I played intramural sports throughout college but never thought about running as a sport.  I thought those cross country people were crazy.

In 2007, one of my cousins asked me if I would be interested in running a half marathon.  I said OK and off I went.  I've learned a lot about running since then.  I've also completed 10 half marathons, 1 ten mile, 1 Ragnar relay, 1 sprint triathlon, 2 marathons, and more 5Ks and 10Ks than I can count.  I also bike, do yoga, and play volleyball (when I'm not a full time grad student).

Overall I feel that I have the exercise part of my life to where I want it to be.  Now, I want to focus on the eating part of the equation.

This past summer I was invited to partake in a 40 day alcohol free challenge.  I skipped the challenge last year because I wasn't interested.  This year I thought, 'why not?'.  I found that after a few weeks I didn't want beer or wine.  I completed the challenge plus a few weeks before I had my first beer.  It was OK.  After having several more over the course of two weeks I decided to go alcohol free again for the remainder of the semester (early December).  I feel clearer and find that I have more energy.

Next step: food!

I've thought about going vegetarian or vegan for several years but haven't shared this with ANYONE because I was afraid of what others would think.  I grew up on a farm and consumed an excessive amount of dairy and meat.  I've recently met some vegans who swear by their lifestyle choice.  It IS a lifestyle choice.  I've also been doing a lot of reading on the subject (more books from the library soon!).  I'm already 95% dairy free (other than a little pizza cheese and half and half) as it disrupts my digestive system.

Reasons why I am hesitant:
  • I like meat
  • I really really like eggs
Things I assume:
  • People will be weird about it
  • Going out to eat will be a nightmare
  • Eating with extended family will be difficult
  • I will have cravings for meat
  • This will be HARD!
My goal:
  • Eat as close to the ground as I can
  • Completely eliminate dairy (not sure why I haven't already)
  • Completely eliminate meat
  • Limit egg intake
  • Limit processed foods
I feel that if I say I'm going vegan I'll feel painted into a corner.  (Maybe I'll be there someday, but not right now).  It is my goal to document this transition and share any other health info I come across.

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